Gallery Installations
A collection of Meghan's work displayed in various gallery settings

Faculty Show Part I - 94 Tourists - Slide Room Gallery, Victoria, BC (2017)

Observer Observed - Philosophers Knoll Gallery, Banff, AB (2015)

Observer Observed - 197 Tourists - Philosophers Knoll Gallery, Banff, AB (2015)

autotopia - Philosophers Knoll Gallery, Banff, AB (2013) - Photo curtesy of Trevor Duke

autotopia - Philosophers Knoll Gallery, Banff, AB (2013)

Transitory Spaces - Floating Gallery - Abegweit House, Banff, AB (2013)

autotopia - SoVA Project Gallery, Windsor, ON (2012)

A Tale of Two Cities - SoVA Project Gallery, Windsor, ON (2012)

A Tale of Two Cities -Frances Morrison Gallery, Saskatoon, SK (2011)

Make It Work - S0VA Project Gallery, Windsor, ON (2011) - Also Shown: Sculpture by Elinor Whidden

The World Is Too Much With Us - Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, SK (2011)

The Visual Orchestra - Joe Moran Gallery, Regina, SK (2008)

The Visual Orchestra - Joe Moran Gallery, Regina, SK (2008)